
My Summer Skincare Routine!

So, I've always wanted to have a YouTube Channel so I could post videos like hauls, room tours, or morning routines. Every time I tried to film a video, it never turned out how I wanted. But, with a blog, telling you all this information is much easier!

I feel like taking care of your skin is so important. If you have clear skin, you won't have to wear makeup to feel beautiful. Plus, if you take care of your skin in your youth, it will still look good when you are older!

First thing I do when I wake up is put in my contacts or put on my glasses. As most of you know, I am just about as blind as a bat! Then, I wash my face.

Ever since I got the Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash I have LOVED it! It does wonders for my dry skin!

You can buy it here.

Then, with a cotton ball, I apply the United State Tonic from (no surprise here) Origins.

It is great for keeping my skin clear!

You can purchase this here.

My acne is not bad by any means, but when a pimple does pop up (which is a rare occurrence), my doctor gave me some creme, and it really works. Unfortunately, it is by prescription, so you can't buy it under normal circumstances. After I apply that, I use my moisturizing sunscreen from Sephora.

As I said, I have really dry skin, so having a good moisturizing sunscreen is a must for me!

You can buy it here.
I plan on doing a makeup routine, as well as a hair and body wash favorites post soon, so stay tuned!

How do you keep your skin clear?


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