

Well, Thanksgiving and Colorful Friday were such a success for me! I'm so grateful that I was able to visit with my family that I haven't seen in forever! Thanksgiving is usually super busy for me. In the morning, my family and I went to a Thanksgiving breakfast, then we drove home to host our own Thanksgiving lunch, and then we drove down to my Nana's for a final Thanksgiving dinner. I was so happy to visit with all of my family that I rarely get to see! I even got to kick some butt at Just Dance and get my butt kicked in Mario Cart at the dinner!

I am so thankful for all that I have been given. From Duke TiP, to my wonderful friends, to having God in my life, I have been so blessed. Even though we should try to see this every day, we sometimes don't realize how great our lives are compared to others. Thanksgiving is a wonderful reminder of this, and it is always a good idea to remember to count our blessings!

Anyways, I ended up going Black/ Colorful Friday shopping! Usually I don't go on the actual Friday, and I will go on Saturday, but I ended up going on Friday this year! I got so many great deals! I was able to get almost all of my gifts for my friends, and splurged and got a few treats for me!

Here is my Thanksgiving outfit. I hope that you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving break!

Lastly, I am so thankful for all of my viewers! I wouldn't have this blog if it weren't for you!


PS. Anthropologie did this super cute and Christmasy mini movie! Check it out here!

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